Who am I?

Hi I’m Sam…👋🏻

A PhD student, part of the Blanchard lab in the University of Nottingham’s vet school. My project is part of the Nottingham BBRSC DTP.

I’m also a freelance audio technician, with experiance in live music, worship and corporate settings, if your here looking for me in that capacity, Click here to email me.

When I’m not in the lab or behind a sound desk I enjoy training Bonsai, my springer spaniel; brewing speciality coffee, or just tinkering with my latest hyperfocus.

My Research

I study antibiotic resistance in Argentinian beef-lots. My research focuses using bioinformatics to investigate the co-occurrence of antibiotic resistance genes in the microbiome. I’m also interested in developing new techniques for meta-genomics surveillance technologies.

Follow me

I irregularly post to most of the social medias, If you want to follow me on social media, or some of the more academia specific ways, you can tap some of the buttons in the sidebar. ←

This site

I built this site as a place for me to point others at when I’m at conferences and see everything in one place. But it’s also a place for me to share what I’m currently thinking about the world.

This site was built with hugo, and uses a modified version of Will Fondrie’s marmot-theme.

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